hadia el amri

Currently a 2nd year Master student in MIAGE "Computer Method Applied to Business Management" at International University of Rabat, with a versatile training.
I am looking for an opportunity in the field of ICT, which will allow me to put into practice my knowledge in terms of IT and Management.

mastered languages

  Advanced Level
  Mother Tongue


Web Application  FabLab and Blog

Internship: International University of Rabat, Architecture Department

Realization of two web applications:
« FabLab » a Web application for laboratory reservation and material resource exploitation using Maven, Hibernate and Spring MVC.

« Blog Architecture UIR » a Web application for an information exchange using Laravel PHP

From May to August 2017

Web and Mobile Application  SELFSERV

Internship agreement: International University of Rabat, Moulay Ismail Meknes University and VLIR-UOS in Belgium

Realization of a Web and Mobile application of a Patient monitoring system using Laravel PHP for the Web Application, Java in Android Studio for the Android Mobile Applications and after completion of the project, we generalize the application for all Mobile Applications using IONIC.

The main aim of SELFSERV project is to develop a novel software platform for the definition of diabetes telecare services. It addresses the needs of the Moroccan diabetic patients and hooking into the self-serving "wells" of the Moroccan societies and culture. The platform combines the "self-service" model offered by the service-oriented communities and advanced adaptive control features offered by complex event processing techniques. The platform will be tested in a small-scale environment to assess its efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

From September to May 2017

Web Application  Risk Management and Internal Control

Internship Project End of Study: TGR the Kingdom's General Treasury of Rabat

Realization of a risk management of a Web application for the Kingdom's General Treasury (TGR) in Spring MVC

From May to June 2016

Web Application  Business Company Management

Internship: ENEM Society of Rabat

Realization of a commercial Web application using Symfony.

From June to August 2015

Web Application  Stock Management

Internship: S.E.M. Society of Rabat

Realization of a Web application of the management of stock and followed grouts using Laravel.

From June to August 2014


Web and Technical Assistant

CDD Webhelp at Kenitra in Technical Service

providing a technical support by coordinating tasks with onsite staff. Organizing the information technology services.
The purpose of the functions was to ensure that the global IT services function properly.

From August to September 2013

Middle and High school Teacher

Private lessons of mathematicsto Middle School and High School levels

part-time teaching in middle and high school students in mathematics, analysis, algebra and industrial design in a private school.

From September 2010 to June 2012

Primary school Teacher

French language private lessons, Primary levels.

full-time French language teaching for elementary students in a private school.

From August to September 2009

International University of Rabat

Master of MIAGE
Computer Methods Applied to Business Management

Mention "Bien"

September 2016 - June 2018

International University of Rabat

BACHELOR OF Computer Engineering

Mention "Bien"

September 2015 - June 2016

International University of Rabat

DEUG in Computer Engineering

Mention "Bien"

September 2014 - June 2015

University of Nantes - France

DEUG in Computer Engineering

Mention "Bien"

September 2014 - June 2015

IBN TOFAIL University, Faculty of Science of Kenitra

Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Mention "Bien"

September 2013 - June 2014

IBN TOFAIL University, Faculty of Science of Kenitra

DEUG degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Mention "Bien"

September 2010 - June 2013

Abd Elmalek Saadi High School - Kenitra

Baccalaureate of Science Experimental option "Science of Life and Earth"

Mention "Bien"





Application Design and Conception



Administration and configuration of operating systems

Administration and configuration of network devices and protocols

Server Administration


Scans for vulnerabilities




Secure Web applications Configuration and administration of security equipment





    Quality Management


    Risk Management Project Management


    SRS: Software Requirements Specification

    Software Architecture Decision

2017 - 2018

Project:Analysis and data processing for MEDIGO GmbH

PowerBI: make photo here

As a Business Analyst at MEDIGO the purpose of this project is to inform a potential investor about the performance, revenues and profits of the company.
This investor knows very little about MEDIGO and needs to understand the company as much as possible before making his investment decision.
All necessary information for this analysis must be found in the attached Excel file containing the MEDIGO database.
To provide information on MEDIGO's main activity and revenue indicators.
The conversion rate and the generation of cash flows are examples of important measures for MEDIGO but there are many others, so that you can detect the missing information in the Excel document following the analysis and would like you to have the ability to deepen your analysis or calculate some metrics.

Project:Management of Officials within a State Department

Odoo ERP: make photo here

The administrative management of the Human Resources Division of a State body ensures the follow-up of the official from his recruitment until his exit. using Odoo which is an ERP solution offering several applications to install to use the services, in this project HR. the goal is to be able to create intarfaces for the various profiles of the company in order to be able to manage the activities in all fuidity.

Project:Realization of an SRS for a Mobile Application of the intranet of a company

In this project, I was able to develop a complete SRS of a Mobile application from a company intranet.
During the entire period of the realization of this SRS, regular meetings were made with the client while specifying the functional needs more deeply.
This SRS included all these parts, from the introduction of the project until the realization of a final model whose client was completely satisfied.

2016 - 2017

Project:Mobile Dice Game

Java for Android: make photo here

the creation of a dice game for a client, a Mobile application that offered to one or more players whose number is specified from the beginning and who understands between 0 and 10 players.
This game is done by throwing two dice for each player following 6 games for each in turn, at the end of each round the score for the person is equal to the sum of the two values of the dice thrown.
The winner is the one with the smallest value.
The realization of this project was made by the use of Android java.
So this project is an Android Mobile Application

2015 - 2016

Project:System of centralization the information and activities between the university departments, the administration and the library of the International University of Rabat

The purpose of this project is to achieve a system of centralization the information of the International University of Rabat while starting by the centralization of the data at the level of the library.
This system first included the follow-up of library documents at the university poles, then when this first phase was successfully completed the next phase was to centralize all the university documents. while keeping a traceability on the documents as well as the files and distinguishing the various profiles (student - teacher - administrator - secretary ...) of the university.


Project:Management of tram stations of Rabat

Assembler (emu8086) display in graphic terminal with sound and video

this Rabat tramway management application allows you to follow up on a map of the different trams as well as their route line. a basic animation has been developed for real-time tracking of trams for an administrator (black card, white line and two objects: a square object that represents the tram stations and another object that represents the tramway in their own) the movement of the round object represents the real-time displacement of the tram. the system predicts in advance the collision point according to its trajectory, its speed as well as the stopping time in each station. the system alerts the administrator who in turn lights the tram driver.

Project:Creation of an article management Website

Laravel PHP

Create a web application for a trading company.
An e-commerce site that includes the articles of this company, the articles sold a basket and a procedure of purchase and payment following the final delivery.
Using Laravel 5.

Project:Creation of booking application for cinemas and theaters

SpringMVC & Hibernate

This Web application allows you to consult online movies projected or programmed in a cinema following the room.
Also allows the user to have a description of each film, but also to see the places restante the room reserved for the movie.
The films are dispatrché according to the cinemas but also according to the different slots.
This project could be realized using Spring MVC and Hibernate.

Project:Web application creation of car reservation

JEE and Hibernate

A car reservation Web application, allowing the customer to consult an agency's cars online, to see their availability according to a list of choices, to see also the other list of the expected availability of the other cars already taken and reserved
as well as than this application allow the user to make a reservation of the car selected by prescribing the start date and the end date of the loan.
When the client finalizes its choice, a chin indicating the total to pay to the agency during a physical displacement of the client.
This application was made using Hibernate and JEE

Project:Creation of Pulling game from a Web Application using

Laravel PHP


Project:Puzzle Games

using Shell and html and JavaScript for the graphic display






Communication manager in the volunteer club of the International University of Rabat and active member in many associations in the same kind.

IT & techniques


Media & Design Manager at the Moroccan Collegiate Programming Contest



Basketball Team Captain in the International University of Rabat